Saturday, March 26, 2011

Requiem For A Relation...

I said this,
You said that.
I wanted a dog,
You wanted a cat.

I loved it on table,
You liked it on wall.
There could have been a zillion reasons,
That I didn't call.

I stared at the phone,
It stared back at me.
And when it rang,
I wish it was you, not Jesse.

You were two steps ahead,
I was two steps behind.
You were playing your guitar
And I was looking past the blinds.

The silence between us was pregnant.
I loved you but I didn't tell.
Why was it that always wrong words we'd blurt,
To break that magical spell.

I sit by my window thinking what it could have been,
If only our eyes met each other at the same time.
And the time flew away like a bee.
Now the lyrics of our song don't rhyme.

You didn't hear the unsaid words,
I didn't say the things that were necessary .
The only symphony that can now be heard,
Is the Requiem for a relation that was meant to be.

(For those who don't know, Requiem means any grand musical composition, performed in honor of a dead person)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A girl's first

You were hiding behind those glass walls,
Shying away from the crowd.
But my eyes caught you,
You were made for me, my heart understood.

Colors came into my world,
Red, yellow, green and blue.
You were a part of me no matter where I was,
I couldn't imagine anything so perfect could be true.

The path that I had to tread,
Was full of obstacle and stone,
You would protect me from being hurt.
Taking all my pain on your own.

Whenever there was a thorn in my way,
You wouldn't even let it touch me.
On my way you yourself were laid,
Not a tear in my eyes did you bring
You changed me from a little girl to a woman.
Charged me with grace,charisma and poise
Be it windy, hot or rain
The only constant in my life was your presence.

But now few years down the line
I feel that you have changed.
You no more save me from the snares
In fact you are causing me the pain.

We have shared so many memories together.
Good and old, which are now forgotten.
I don't know what to do now
Guess I , too, will have to "move on".

A girl can never forget her first.
It is always tough for her.
Till I find another one.
I will always love you, my slippers!

Monday, March 7, 2011

मेरा यार...

आज सूरज की किरणों ने पूछा, बोलो मुझसे क्या चाहते हो?
मैंने बोला बस आज कहीं तुम छुप जाओ,
मेरे यार को घर तो आने दो |

आज फूलों की बगिया ने पूछा, बोलो मुझसे क्या चाहते हो?
मैंने बोला बस आज तुम मुरझा जाओ,
मेरे यार की खुशबू आने दो |

आज सागर की लहरों ने पूछा, बोलो मुझसे क्या चाहते हो?
मैंने बोला बस आज लहरों को समेट  लो,
मेरे यार के निशाँ छूट जाने दो |

आज रंग बिरंगी तितलियों  ने पूछा ,  बोलो मुझसे क्या चाहते हो?
मैंने बोला बस आज तुम बेरंग हो जाओ,
मेरे यार के रंग घुल जाने दो |

आज चाँद की चांदनी ने पूछा. बोलो मुझसे क्या चाहते हो?
मैंने बोला बस आज तुम कहीं न जाओ,
मेरे यार का दीदार हो जाने दो |

आज पूछा उस खुदा की खुदाई ने, बोलो मुझसे क्या चाहते हो?
मैंने बोला बस आज की रात रुक जाओ,
मेरे यार की तस्वीर दिल में समाने दो |

Life in the time of Corona - Corona Series (Part 1)

Turned off the TV, a little disturbed, after watching "Nosedive", an episode in Black Mirror.  What if this becomes a way of real...