Monday, July 25, 2011

100 things that make me happy...

My DayZero project(101 things to do in 1001 days) required me to jot down one hundred things that make me happy. Also I need to update my blog every month for the same. So i gave it a thought and decided that the next blog would be 100 things that make me happy. Some are personal so I may not write them all here but deep inside i know it. Here we go, in no particular order:

1) My family. Well whose doesn't. My mum, dad, sisters and bro can make me happy anytime I see them.
2) Anything about my niece. Prettiest face in the world. Anything she does and says is soooo cute.
3) Rain. Dancing in the rain or just standing under rain or sitting by my window watching it rain..makes me glee even when I am very upset.
4) Read. Gives me immense satisfaction.
5) Write about anything and everything.(yeee...happy right now ;))
6) Play guitar. I am starting to learn and enjoying every bit.
7) Watching sitcoms on my machine.
8) Winters. Love 'em. The layers of clothes and the cozy feeling inside them.
9) Loving someone.
10) Being loved.
11) Bringing smile on kids' faces.
12) Teaching slum kids.
13) When I am hugged when I need it the most.
14) Day dreaming.
15) Follow my dreams.
16) Getting the solution of a problem.
17) Being appreciated.
18) A name flashes on my cell phone when I least expect it and most want it.
19) Competing for something i really want.
20) Whenever I see Sachin Tendulkar play. :)
21) Surprises.
22) Being with my friends.
23) Adventure things. Except for heights, bring it on!
24) Travelling, BIG TIME.
25) Follow what my heart says.
26) Dangerous swings. It shit scares me but it satiates the adventure freak inside me.
27) The feeling when I ask some questions to my teachers and they get confused and cannot answer me back.
28) Being there for my friends and family.
29) Remembering old fond memories when I go to bed and close my eyes to sleep.
30) Meeting a stranger I may never meet again and having a real good and interesting conversation with her/him.
31) Learning new things.
32) Doing new things.
33) Pregnant women..They are so pretty.
34) Seeing old pictures.
35) Playing childhood games.
36) Conversing with my sisters.
37) Planning for next trip with friends.
38) Finding money in old bag or jeans pocket.
39) Opening gift wraps. The gift doesn't excite me.The surprise element is the thrill.
40) Seeing cookery and travel shows. Ironically I hate cooking but love watching shows.
41) Listening to my favourite playlist of songs.
42) Sitting alone and thinking.
43) The travel time from home to office and the way back. It's almost three hours a day. That's when I am all by myself. I gaze out of the window into nowhere. Love it.
44) When a friend who I had a fight with texts me that she/ he missed me.
45) Being in the most comfortable clothes.
46) Enjoying things in the moment without caring who is watching.
47) Jumping straight into the puddles of mud and not going around them.
48) Letters.(on paper not emails)
49) Doing forbidden things.
50) Singing my fav songs on top of my lungs. I like to know the lyrics of the songs and then sing along.(at times in my worst possible voice..come is fun!! Don't ask me to sing in public though ;))
51) Anything creative I did.
52) Hand-made gifts. Not the expensive ones from markets. Anything you make me by giving it some thought.
53) Exploring new places. I love visiting historical places in Delhi and know the history behind them.
54) Long drive from Dehradun to Mussoorie.
55) Birthday and Birthday cakes ^_^
56) Long walks in a romantic weather. especially walking bare foot on wet grass.
57) Jelly kind toffees.
58) Getting calls from long lost friends unexpectedly.
59) Reading old text messages or emails.
60) Dancing.
61) Moon-lit and starry night.(I can stare at the moon for the entire night)
62) Cool breeze.
63) Holding hands.
64) Eating good food. (I am not a foodie though)
65) Smiles
66) PJs.
67) When someone understands me especially when I am not using words.
68) Journeys
69) Real things and real people.
70) Someone appreciates and smiles back when I help.
71) A good night sleep when I have worked my ass out the whole day.
72) Knowing that I did something constructive and meaningful in the day.
73) Small small kids' stuff esp their fingers...awww..they are so small!!
74) Anything that has wings, except the aeroplane.:-|
75) Something I cooked tasted perfect.
76) Motorcycle rides.
77)Meeting a friend after a long time and realize that we pick up from exactly where we left.
78) Finding that last piece of cake still there when I arrive in the evening.
79) Live shows and concerts.
80) Putting head outside the window of the car with eyes closed on a cool breezy day.
81) Nice haircut.
82) When my birthday falls on Saturday or Sunday in a year.
83) Knowing the answers to KBC question or any kindda quiz for that matter.
84) Coming home after a long day and smell something nice cooking in the kitchen.
85) When i wake up in the morning and realize that I can sleep for 10 more feeling ever!
86) India winning a crucial fact any match.
87) Stumble upon a show/ song of my choice while surfing TV/ radio.
88) Fast computer and fast internet
89) Magics of nature.
90) Boss relieves me early for the day.
91) Suddenly finding a thing that I had been looking for since a long time.
91) When I win any match or prize. (Who doesn't like winning ;))
92) Watching movie with my friends, all huddled up in one small bed.
93) Waking up in the morning with a smile on my face cause i just had a perfect dream.
94) Expressing myself. It is a very tough job for me.
95) When someone gets the spelling of my name right in first go. ;)
96) Seeing old people still in love and holding hands. :)
97) Singing national anthem on top of my lungs.
98) 3 a.m. conversation with best friend.
99) Rainbows.
100) Crossing things out of my To-do list ;)

 Wow!!! that was tough and easy. Initially it took me a lot of thinking and I was surprised that are there so less things that make me happy. But as I progressed I realized that I could just keep writing and never stop. Infact, there are more things that can make me happy apart from the list above, some personal too that I haven't mentioned here.
The most wonderful part of it all is that it ain't the larger than life things that make us happy(at least I can say that for myself), but the small small things, thoughts etc. And it is so easy to achieve, they are right in front of our eyes. But then anything that is too close to our eyes seems hazy and blurred. The thing is to improve the focus on the right things.

Stay happy always!!! :)

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